We also had high hopes for this school. There were many positives when we toured. It was clean, my child seemed to like the teacher and was learning, and it looked safe. However, after awhile, I feel those things that were positives in the beginning, are no longer positives. Is it still clean? Seemingly so. But I feel personal hygiene is not encouraged here (except for the local dentist who seems to be pandering for business). This that pales in comparison to the feeling that my child is limited in subject matter. I don't feel my child has really learned anything in the past few months of value for preparing for Kindergarten. The art supplies are very basic. We see the same construction paper and lollipop sticks for almost every project brought home. I feel for the amount of money we are charged, much better and more fun supplies and better projects should be provided. The curriculum boasts teaching Math, Science and Social Studies, yet I only see more of what my child alrea