I entered to her office 5 minutes later my appointment time - but she was looking at my case for 10 minutes before I even saw her. She was nice, concerned and very knowledgeable. I do not believe that she could be rude...or at least how I understand the word ""rude"". Yes, she could be hot, but this is her personality type, so if you prefer shy and apologetic docs - she is not your doc. She spent with me 30-45 minutes and if I had questions she would stay longer. ""She basically throws some drugs at you"" - THIS IS CRAP, she is not an easy prescriber, so if you are looking for kiddie dope - she is not an ""Author"" :-). She is a deep thinker type doc - she reminds me a psychiatrist from the Sopranos. It's a little more expensive, but what would you expect - to get treated at Magnificent Mile by affectionate women and pay 50$? For me it's easier to do introspection with her and in office with lake view than in barn type tiny room of my 350 lbs. ex doc. And she gave me samples for 300$ :-).