My family and I have attended SCC for 10 plus years. Yes SCC is a big church. My experience is, if you will jump into regular attendance, bible study, small groups and serve in at least one ministry, you will soon begin to know and love the church body. To receive God?s blessing at any church, you first and foremost need a relationship with Christ. That is what SCC is all about ? ?Leading people to a life changing experience with Jesus Christ?. Christ will do the cleaning up. The sinners will always be there. Our Senior Pastor said recently (joking) he thought about putting a sign on the front of the building ?Sinners Only Welcome?. I am a living testimony the more you sever and search for God the more he reveals himself to you. We (the body) are all sinners Saved by Grace. Please forgive us where we have failed you. Please don?t let a bad experience make you miss the best there is ? Jesus!
Pros: God loves sinners.
Cons: Everyone at SCC is a sinner.