I am new to the Placer County area and was looking for a vet for my dog(who coincidentally has the same symptoms as Cindy's friend's dog only she is 16 1/2 years old) and came across Cindy's review. I have never used MV vet clinic but to be upset with the doctor there because of what happened to her friend is wrong. Every doctor has a different set of morals. Just as some doctors have certain boundaries they won't cross with humans the same can be said about animal doctors. We as humans need to decide what is best for us and we talk or interview doctors to make sure their morals are the same as ours. We should do the same for our pets. Cindy's friend made the mistake of assuming vets will do what ever we ask of them. Instead of calling and asking if the doctor would put his dog down he put himself in a situation and received the answer he did not want to hear. Cindy's friend brought this on himself. The doctor is not to blame. From other reviews it sounds like the doctors at