This cigar store/lounge is always stocked to the brim with cigars. They cater to all tastes and prices. If you want a 3 dollar Fuente to a 40 dollar Opus, here is your place. The owners are always there to help you find anything that will fit your taste. They have been in the industry for countless years, and their knowledge is unrivaled. Its nice to get a store with personality which cares about everyone regardless if you buy one stick or boxes of cigars. The lounge in the back is comfortable with several chairs, two flatscreen tvs and a cappuccino machine. People complain about the cost of the cigars at this store because they compare them with internet prices. Obviously a brick and mortar store cannot compete with the internet. But unlike the internet this store will replace your cigar if it unravels, is clogged, etc. Also the cliental who frequents the lounge in the back are always friendly, talkative, and overall good people. Check it out, it's the best place in the area.
Pros: The Owners, the stock, the cliental
Cons: Not any outstanding problems