Dr. Ranjan and his staff, have done more to help his patients and the entire community, more than anyone else. It makes me sick to see the nasty lies that have been published here about Dr. Ranjan. Some people are so bored and so messed up, that they will say anything to get attention. Thank God that people are to smart to believe the trash. Those who lie about Dr. Ranjan need to get a life. Just because you are a failure in your personal life, you should not be jealous and try to make Dr. Ranjan look bad. For those who don't like Dr. Ranjan.....get a life!!!!! Tens of thousands have been helped by Dr. Ranjan and we will expose the liars for what they are!!!!!!!!! You liars may want to self destruct, but don't try to stop Dr. Ranjan from helping other people. Even Jesus had people that tried to destroy him....but the truth will prevail!
Pros: Dr. Ranjan and his team
Cons: People who lie about good doctors!