my sister was just recently released because her incurance wouldnt cover another stay.she was sent there due to a very bad headache and vomiting,they diagnosed her with an unrupshered aneurysm ,then viral meningitis,she stayed for three days waiting on a neurologist to run test for the unrupsherd aneurysm only to say they they didnt find one.she would call the nurse to immediatly come help her because her headache was so bad she cant see,they show up 2 hours later thank god she wasnt having a stroke!they tell her they cant treat her beceuse they didnt see the unrupsherd aneurysm so they treat her for the meningitis for which they dont know which kind she has then send her home only with pain medication.we are now sending her to carolina medical center where real doctors hospital is lovly to look at but thats all they should quit spending money on buetifying and start spending on real proffessional docters.oh and my sister is worse off thanshe started of and im really hoping shell make it to the hosptal alive.i wouldnt go there for a scraped knee probably end up leaving with a staff infection or something:)\r
Pros: parking alright easy on the eye
Cons: unproffessionalism,terrible service,i could go on.......