First, we were told to leave after our 'alloted time slot' was up. We hadn't even finished dinner or even seen the dessert menu. The server was not even slightly apologetic nor did she give a damn... but I think she was just too Arrogant to. The manager was absolutely Obnoxious and instructed me to not be rude by interrupting him while he was on his rant of why he needed the table. FYI, the 'patio' was half empty. Speaking of which, the AOCs call the upstairs attic the 'patio'! In other words, he did not care if we were unhappy nor if we were ever to return. So, if you're not a 'somebody', don't expect any kind of service. Albeit, after a $250 bill for two, the greasy and heavy food along with the AOC left us sick to our stomachs for days!
Cons: Everything