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Our family is now complete, and we owe that to Angel. - Review by Guest | Angel Adoption

Angel Adoption

Our family is now complete, and we owe that to Angel. 1/14/2019

Like many other couples that have adopted, our journey began with our inability to start a family. After suffering from infertility for several years we were shocked to find out we were pregnant in 2015. Sadly, we lost our son and could have no more children. After allowing ourselves to grieve what we had lost we decided to adopt at the beginning of 2017. After researching several agencies we chose Angel. From the start they were there for us. They walked us through the entire process and checked in with us regularly. They encouraged us through two failed connections, and made sure we had the support we needed when we were finally matched with our birth mom in February of 2018. Our son Jacob Oliver was born July 6, and we were there to see him delivered. Our sweet, brave birth mother asked my husband to cut the umbilical cord and me to do skin to skin with our little boy. It was the most amazing moment!! Jake is three mos old now, and is thriving! In fact, he’s already rolling over and letting us know that we’re going to have a hard time keeping up with him! We have a wonderful relationship with his birth mom and hope he can meet his big brothers one day. Our family is now complete, and we owe that to Angel. more