I took my child to this daycare, excited because it was within 1 mile of our home. My husband and I found that my daughter was upset EVERYDAY when we left her. Our daughter said the teachers were mean to her, and she didn't want to go back. Over the course of 5 days, I found children occaisionally wandering through the halls, without a teacher; specifially, the children I observed were around the age of 2. Many times there were children using the restroom by themselves, with no one ensuring that their hands got washed afterward. On the last day, my Grandmother picked my daughter up at noon. The child information sheet that had been given to us daily regarding her meals, habits and behaviors, nap-time, and any issues she might have had throughtout the day had been filled out. We received this sheet, but it had been filled out for the entire day, all the way to he afternoon snack. She was not present for the afternoon snack, but the teacher had written that she ate "most of it". It said she napped from 12:30 -2:00. Funny, since we picked her up at 12. For all we know, they could have had this sheet filled out at 8 AM...thought it was supposed to be updated throughout the day...that is the whole point. When we confronted the Director, she was defensive and full of excuses, even blaming the lying on a teacher's aide. Even if it was an aide, they are still employed by The Renaissance School...and it is still a BIG deal. So, whatever you do, DO NOT take your child to this preschool/daycare. It just isn't worth risking your child's happiness or well being to send them to a place who will lie over something as simple as a snack or a nap.