During my time as an intern at the Meadow Vista Veterinary Clinic, I learned how not to treat others, especially when you are supposed to be helpfully and kindly teaching them about the job. I learned absolutely nothing having to do with the veterinary field. I folded towels every morning, and received dirty looks from Dr. Pam on a daily basis. She made me feel extremely uncomfortable everyday, specifically when she began cussing at me, a minor who accidentally made a mistake on a Feline Leukemia test, due to not being taught how to do it correctly and efficiently the first time. I apologized continuously for making the mistake, which was easily corrected by starting over with the left over blood/serum, but after that day, it was impossible to regain Dr. Pam s respect as a high school ROP student/Intern. From that moment on, she spoke very little to me, and what she did say to me when I asked questions, was spat out in a rude and ignorant tone like she was speaking to an illiterate child. \r
I did, however, learn that her staff is not licensed to perform the tasks they do on a daily basis, legally. Knowing this, I would never take any of my animals to her again. \r
If you need an emergency vet, take the time and drive down to Loomis, or any of the other fine veterinary clinics around the area.