I am 37 years old and I have been diabetic for 35 years. Two years ago I developed kidney failure. I have been on dialysis three times a week for the past two years. In 1992, I had three heart attacks, four angioplasties and bypass surgery. I lost more than 30 pounds, had leg cramps and neuropathy (numbness) in hands and feet, vomiting and terrible sinus problems that caused constant nausea. Since receiving treatment at the Maulfair Medical Center my energy level has vastly improved. I am walking 2-3 miles a night, lifting weights and running stairs. But, most importantly, my monthly blood tests, taken at dialysis, have shown significant improvement in all areas tested. The main indicator of kidney function, once you are on dialysis, is the BUN (Blood Urine Nitrates). A good BUN for a dialysis patient is 60-80 (normal levels are 17-25). My June BUN was 67. In July, my BUN was 42- the lowest since being on dialysis. In addition, my potassium, albumin, phosphorus and calcium levels are below or well within range for a dialysis patient and have been declining for the past three months. My hands and feet are returning to normal. Hair that had fallen out due to kidney failure has grown back. My sinuses have cleared completely, and I am gaining muscle, not body weight. Plus all leg cramps have either diminished or disappeared. When I arrived, I was so weak I could hardly walk. After Dr. Maulfair took tests and advised me that I had the Candida infection, I was happy to hear there was something wrong with me that could be treated. Now after treatment with Dr. Maulfair, I feel like a human being again with energy, no weak knees and rarely any heart palpitations. I no longer take any tranquilizers or allergy pills. I sleep like a baby at night, and I have a much better and more positive attitude