Lee Reedy (the man) was one of my first freelance clients out of college. He was a mentor of a great many up and coming designers at the time, and quickly became my favorite client?smart, disciplined, creative and smart some more.
Fifteen years later, after I left one of the largest Denver agencies, Lee introduced me to the second generation?Kelly, his son and Patrick (Kelly's partner) were younger than Lee or me, but possessed the same attributes, chief among which was (and is) a passion for absolute accountability to every client.
Today, I'm a partner in the firm. Am I biased? Of course. But I'm betting my future on this company, so I've put a lot more thought into its merits than this other reviewer, who uses a pseudonym rather than his or her real name (sounds like someone whose employee left their firm for ours?definitely not a client who ever spoke up). My name is Eric Kiker (3033329834) and you can ask me anything you want about LeeReedy/Xylem Digital. Thanks.