Woodcrest Evergreen Court Apartments is an assisted living community dedicated to providing a safe and secure environment for residents.
As such, this facility of 34 apartments which overlook a beautiful lake, is much more than a traditional apartment complex. It's programs and services are designed to meet the physical and emotional needs of each and every resident. It's facilities are designed to maximize independent activity. It is, in fact, "a better way of life" for many of our residents.
The Objective of Woodcrest Evergreen Court Apartments is to provide a safe and secure environment for residents in order for them to maintain a lifestyle of independence and a superior quality of life for as long as possible.
The Goal of Woodcrest Evergreen Court Apartments is to provide those facilities, services, and programs which will allow the individual to maintain his/her independence. Assistance will be provided in order that the individual may achieve his/her goal of independent living.