Ok, picture yourself as a server, or a bartender making fifty to seventy thousand dollars a year any year you choose to do so. Then picture yourself working downtown in the midst of a fortune in people, but a huge list of obstacles between you and the front door to ""the office."" Dennison Parking will let you pay a meanial fee of $130.00 a month for a 24/7/365 driveway on the circle. I am talking about 31 S. Meridian. I am now moving on to a different location and will miss the people and the utilities whether the bathroom or the shoe shine within the building owned and operated by a private shopowner. Thanks for keeping my Volkswagen safe, sound, and literally across the street from the ""old office."" You now come highly recommended from someone who has truly taken advantage of YOU! Not the other way around.
Pros: Look, my driveway was across the street from work every day. Is yours? No damaged shoes in water after walking and no worrying about where to look for car all the time!
Cons: I think it takes a true salesman to convince a frugal friend. But if they do buy into, they don't regret it.