The manager at cookie cutters doesn't know or follow state employment laws She also won't follow state cosmetology law's.She will do hair cuts on children that have head lice which is against state regulations. That can contaminate the salon an spread it to other clients an employees who are in salon. I worked there an witnessed her finding the head lice before haircut an going ahead an doing the service plus styling. Afterwards she did not clean her station or her cutting tools nor did she bag up the cape she used it on the next several clients. State board can shut a salon down for this an fine them.Since I have witnessed this first hand I had no choice but to report this to the board. So next time your in there watch as they use same capes all day long without washing them in between clients or using a neck strip to keep cape from contact They can't wash the capes cus they have no working washer or dryer on premises. Also they have no pathengen bags to place anything with blood on it in when accidents happen to stylist or client's.This also is mandatory so if you come out with head lice or a blood transmitted illness from any cuts or scrapes that the stylist or kids may have on them you May want to check with cookie cutters for not following state laws