Buffalo Exchange, located at The Lab, is a vintage store with all kinds of stuff. You can find stuff that Urban Outfitters sell for half off. You may also find vintage Prada pumps, Chanel quilted purses, Citizens of Humanity jeans, Juicy Couture sweatpants, cute hobo skirts, ect. You will find some of the most random shirts, skirts, shoes, accessories, sunglasses, etc. Although, some of the clothes they sell are overpriced. I found a pair of Citizens of Humanity jeans for $70. The jeans had a hole in the pocket, and you could tell it had been washes many times because of the faded color. I also traded in some almost brand new clothes because I thought they would give you a lot of money or store credit in return. But I was (very) wrong. I turned in a pair of Abercrombie & Fitch twill pants that I wore 2-3 times (and bought at full price), Juicy sweatpants that I never wore, and a pair of RL jeans that were in excellent condition. Guess how much money I received for $250 worth of clothes? $17!!! I thought, what a waste because I could have sold those clothes on ebay and got 2-3 times more. Well, lesson learned. Other than that, I would definitely shop at Buffalo Exchange.