Asked for fuse check as I checked the one manual said (#17) and it was fine, they thought it was "another fuse above the main panel", $191.81 later NO fix, other than they got open passenger window closed by applying direct voltage to motor. Should have been nervous when they kept calling a "friend" about my car and someones AUDI (dashboard replaced and car wouldn't run right). After almost four hours aid it was a controller that was about about $340.00, told them to order. Found my extra fuses from my glove box scattered all over front and back seats, even a couple under the hood. Repeated calls about controller, "controller not in yet". Told them it also appreared the seat heaters weren't working either, they had no ideas. Gave up and figured wait until bad weather over. Called again in early Spring, no success. Totally gave up on them, been busy. Have wife's 2000 Jetta VR6 in another local German speciallty shop who is treating us great, expect it back this coming week.With today's