This dog kennel has a very strange employee named Richard who calls a call center that I work at constantly. It is as though he has no life. I wish he would find something more productive to do with his time. If he works at this kennel, is he supposed to be calling from the work phone and harrassing employees at another job whom he has never met? I considered the possibility that maybe he is mentally challenged. However, if he is not then he must simply be a pathetic human being. If he has that much free time on the job, then maybe he could spend more time cleaning the kennels? or even answering phone calls, rather then make them all day and running up the kennels phone bill? If Richard has the opportunity to see this, I would like him to know what a joke he is and I wish him the best in the future :)\r
Thanks for your time.\r
p.s. get a life soon Richard, thanks!! ;)